YouTube tests the new "Explorer" tab in its official application on the iOS platform


YouTube tests its new tab "Explorer" in its official application on the iOS platform Today's diary quotes you an email We test the new tab "Explorer" In its official application on the iOS platform , YouTube is testing the new tab "Explorer" in its official application on the iOS platform

Today's Newspaper One of the most famous features of the Instagram application is the "tab" Explore "where users can find the" Explorer "tab in their official application on the iOS platform. On popular posts or Instagram thinks they might like it's a good way to discover new messages. It seems now that YouTube wants to borrow a page from the Instagram book.

YouTube has announced on the Google product forums that it is testing a new tab called "Explorer" in its application on the iOS platform. But YouTube has shown that it will test this new feature with a very limited number of users, so do not be surprised if you do not belong to it. YouTube also explains that this new tab will not replace the current "Trends" tab and that the new "Explore" tab will be next to it.

"With more and more YouTube videos every minute, we are always testing new ways to make it easier to find, watch and share videos that matter to them," she said. There is something new that we will be testing on iOS in the coming weeks, a new tab called "Explore | Explorer, "a tab that will help you discover more videos, topics, and channels that you may not see.We also hope that Explore is a place for creators of all sizes, including new creators, to discover their content. "

Currently, the YouTube web version offers the suggested videos on the home page. We therefore expect the "Explorer" tab to contain similar functionality. It's not clear if YouTube plans to launch this feature to all its users on the Android and iOS platforms, so we'll have to wait to find out.


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