Zamalek definitive list for the new season .. 10 offers and 3 returnees and 14 parties


  Omar Qora


Omar Qora

Sunday, July 29, 2018

1:38 p.m.

Zamalek is preparing to send the second list to complete the number of players registered on the new list (2018-2019) at the Egyptian Football Federation, including new players who have supported the team ranking and the return to the Château Blanc after the end of their loan.

Zamalek signed with 10 players during the summer transfer period, with Emad El Sayed goalkeeper Enppi, Ibrahim Hbadan and Baha Magdi of Ismaili, Omar El Said and Mohamed Hbadan from Wadi Degla. Hamid Haddad and Moroccan Defense of Meaning

and returned to the white trio of Mustafa Fathi Castle, Mahmud Abdel-Moneim "Kherba" and Mustafa Mohammed after the end of their loan to the Cooperation Clubs and the Jeddah Federation Saudis and Tanta

and deported. Al-Obeid, 14 players, Mohammed Al-Shami, Ahmed al-Shennawi, Ali Gabr, Ahmad Tawfiq, Pyramids, Khalid Kamar, Razak Sisseh, Ahmed Daouda of the Federation of Alexandria, Bbadem Mursi of the team Greek Larissa, Islam Gamal and Ahmed Mousa Kapooria of the Army. For Zamalek striker Mourtada Mansour announced the survival of Congolese striker Kabongo Kasongo despite an offer from the Belgian club Lucerne, as well as Tarek Hamed after the end of his contract, after The extension of his contract with the White Castle, Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim has "electrified" after completing the course of professionalism in the Gulf and decided to be listed in the first list

L & # 39; ambiguity surrounding the position of five players in Zamalek: Mahmoud Abdelrazek Shikabala and Niger known Yusuf, Imad Fathi and Ghani Beni Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek, Zamalek and Zamalek. The final of the new season 25 players, with five players under the age, they are: Omar Salah and Ahmed Abu Fotouh and Mohamed Camacho and Mohamed Abdel Salam and Mustafa Mohamed. Defense: Hazem Emam – a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ahmed Abul Fotouh – Mohamed Kamacho – Mohamed Abdel Salam (new deal).

Center: Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim (19549006) In the center of the attack: Mahmoud Abdel Moneim Kharba (return of loan) – Mohamed Antar – Mohamed Ibrahim (new deal) – Farajani Sbadi (new deal) (19659006) In the attack: Omar al-Said (a new contract) – Yusuf Obama – Hamid Ishad (a new contract) Deal [19579006] Holders of the Zamalek Cup will open their doors in the Egyptian Premier League for the new season under the orders of new Swiss coach Christian Gross against Petrojet on Tuesday.

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