Zamalek loses the first two points with Petrojet


Zamalek drew 0-0 against Petrojet during a match at Suez Stadium in the first round of the Egyptian Premier League.

Before the start of the match, officials protested against the presence of supporters in favor of Zamalek.

At the start of the match, Zamalek pressed early to try to deflect a goal early in the game and managed to get Casongo to get a great ball, which was just a petro-goal.

Petrojet attempted to retaliate with more than one shot Zamalek Zamalek and Zamalek were favorites

Mahmoud Kahraba of Zamalek almost scored a free kick from the penalty area, but Mohamed Abu Naga saved Petrojt from the ball, then lost another ball from Mahmoud Abdel Aziz outside Petrojet's goal

. Jensh Zamalek goalkeeper conceded a chance to score in front of lone striker Shimas Bekley Petrojet, and brilliantly played against Ahmed Abdul Rasoul again.

Al-Qaim Shimsh Bekli denied a goal to his attacker Zamalek. Jensh, while losing an opportunity goal after a pbad from Hamdi Al-Naqaz, to separate the electrification

The two teams intervened to break the match between Ahmed Abou El Fotouh and a member of the Petrojet's technical team: Zamalek's match against Petrojet has stopped due to the failure of one of the stadium's lighting fixtures.

Both teams continued to trade the attack and try to penetrate to reach a goal, but all attempts fail and the match ends in a draw

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