Zamalek refuses to add millions of satisfaction in Tariq Hamed's contract


Zamalek officials refused to add the amount of satisfaction that Tarek Hamed will receive from outside the club for the player's original contract, the annual salary under the contract being $ 7 million Egyptian pounds and not 12 million pounds. Zamalek signed Tariq Hamed for the White Castle for 3 years for the receipt of 7 million pounds of White Castle annually, and 5 million pounds of consultant Turki Al-Sheikh.

Zamalek refused to add millions of private players, according to the contract signed by Tarek Hamid The player will receive 7 million pounds a year from Leger castle, 3.5 million LE were disbursed, but he refused to accept the value of satisfaction for the three years with a total of LE 15 million instead of taking the annual amount.

Zamalek officials decide to document Tarek Hamed's new contract in the coming hours. The end of the crisis in the meeting held by Murtada Mansour with the player, where the club has the right to authenticate in a month to sign the payment of 3% of the value of the contract of the player in the first season, which equals 210 thousand pounds. [ad_2]
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