Zayed Al-Khayarin, the ambassador of Qatari terrorism in Iraq


In 2015, the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad, ordered the appointment of Zayed Al-Khayarin as Qatar's ambbadador to Iraq after a 25-year diplomatic break between the two countries.

The choice of two options to fill one's position in Iraq, because of the attributes of slander, conspiracy and the ability to destroy homelands and undermine stability.

The two options Qatar in the hottest and tense areas Doha's interests and investments and the last Gulf ambbadadors to leave Syria raise questions about its role in the presence of terrorist groups in Syria and revelations in international media scandals related to Qatar and its support for terrorism.

Iraq, because of its role in P

Intermediate terrorist in Iraq

Both options claim to have led to negotiations with middlemen and terrorist organizations in the suspect case of Qatar and are then He said in his correspondence according to the Washington Post: "These are all thieves, Syrians, Lebanese Hezbollah and Hezbollah's Iraqi Brigades, all want money, and they are not the only ones who want money. is their chance. "

Designate an ambbadador to Iraq as a communication tool with the Iraqi and Iranian militias in Baghdad, and Iran's participation in its expansionist plan following the boycott of the Arabian quartet against Qatar in June 2017 for its support of terrorism and its support for terrorist organizations and terrorist elements. He participated in the displacement of Syrians from four cities: Madaya, Zabadani, Kafriya and Al-Fo & a, to serve Iran's expansionist project in the region as a condition of the ransom agreement.

The exchange letters published by the Washington Post revealed the Qatari ambbadador. And foreign governments have asked for huge sums to help release the hostages, in violation of the rules of diplomacy and international law, which prohibit negotiations with terrorist groups and the payment of ransoms to terrorists

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