Zouzou Nabil .. Actress of composite roles


The birthday of the artist Zouzou Nabil, who started his artistic career in the 1930s, was celebrated in the world of the game despite the opposition of his mother and the # 39, often prevented him from acting.

Zouzou Nabil started entering the world of art since she joined the group Mokhtar Othman, which is part of her life, Then she joined the group The film was directed by the director Hbadan Al-Imam in 12 films from his films and also presented most of his roles to the late Mahmoud El Meligy

Nabil admired the art of the game and insisted that the real artist did not retire not before her death.She refused to withdraw from her career even when she was old.With her popularity, she retired in 1989 to reach the age of seventy-five years. Seventy-fifth and the representation makes me at least ten years younger,

"Nabil" held many artistic positions in addition to his role as an actress, where Kariba worked in the censorship of works of art. art in the early fifties, and took over the management of the theater

Nabil received a number of awards, including: the price of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Culture in 1959, his work at the Theater Foundation until 1964, The film for the film "I'm free" was also honored by s But the Alexandria International Film Festival in 1995, as well as the feature film festival, were honored by the 1996 Cairo International Film Festival but were not able to cure his illness at the end of the day

. His work: the secrets of people, the confessions of a mute woman, love never dies, the guide, the factory of the wives, the integrity, the air of loyalty and a very important man.

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