Election official says Giuliani ‘lied’ about voter fraud


  • Top Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling said Rudy Giuliani “lied” by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence of electoral fraud.
  • In a “60-minute” interview, Sterling debunked Giuliani’s claim about illegitimate votes, saying the president’s attorney only showed a deceptive clip to Georgia state senators despite the access to the full video.
  • Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who also appeared in “60 Minutes”, said Giuliani “knows what he said was not true”.
  • Visit the Business Insider homepage for more stories.

A senior Georgian election official said Rudy Giuliani “lied” about the allegations of electoral fraud by presenting a deceptively edited video as evidence, despite having access to the full footage.

Gabriel Sterling, the Georgia Secretary of State’s director of operations, made the comments in a “60 minute” interview aired Sunday, in which he called President Donald Trump’s allegations of electoral fraud “fantastic, unreasonable “and factual reality. “

Sterling, a Republican and Trump voter, told interviewer Scott Pelley that Giuliani presented a selectively edited video to Georgia state senators as evidence. In a clip aired on Giulani’s “60 Minutes” featuring the video, he calls it a “powerful smoking gun”.

Giuliani’s video, which also appeared in Trump national campaign commercials, claims to show cases of ballots pulled under a table and “added in secret.”

However, Sterling said the full video shows a different story.

He said when election officials learned they were done counting for the day, countless numbers of ballots were placed in secure, tamper-evident boxes and stowed under the table. Soon after, officials were told they had to continue counting through the night.

At this point, the secure cases of uncounted ballots were retrieved from under the table for counting.

Sterling said the president’s team still had access to the full video, but Giuliani only presented state senators with the part showing cases pulled from under the table.

“Rudy Giuliani looked them in the eye and lied,” he said.

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“From my point of view, they intentionally misled the state senators, the Georgian people and the American people about this, to ensure that this conspiracy theory continues and disinformation continues, which has caused this environment that we see today, ”Sterling said.

Giulani did not respond to Insider’s request for comment.

Trump and his allies have repeated unsubstantiated allegations of widespread electoral and electoral fraud since the president lost the election to President-elect Joe Biden. However, none of the claims were upheld in court and the Justice Department said it had found no evidence of widespread fraud.

The belief by some of the president’s supporters that the election was fraudulent fueled the murderous siege of the United States Capitol last week, where many rioters chanted and held up signs saying “Stop Theft!”

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, also a Republican, also appeared on “60 Minutes”, echoing Sterling’s claims and saying that Giuliani “knows what he said is not true.”

“But our state senate did not ask us to come over there so that we could refute what they said,” he said of the Republican legislature. “And it was left as the truth of the gospel, and it wasn’t. It was fabricated.”

Earlier this month, in a leaked phone call between Raffensperger and the White House, Trump repeated unsubstantiated claims about the election and urged the Secretary of State to “find” him enough votes to beat Biden .

The day after the appeal was leaked, Sterling also denied the President’s claims, which he said made him “scream” because they were so dishonest.


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