Electors Cause Trump Trouble in 2020


Polls show President TrumpDonald John TrumpAdvocate Calls for a Fundamental Change in the European Senate's G-7 Criminal Justice System Shame, GOP Pledges to Oppose Any Efforts to "Wrap Up" the Court Supreme PLUS losing voters by huge margins, presenting his reelection campaign with a huge hurdle to overcome while he's looking for a second term.

Perhaps most alarming for Trump, the president loses the support of white women who played a crucial role in his electoral success in 2016.

Polls at the exit of polling stations and post-election studies revealed that Trump outclassed the Democratic party Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham Clinton Former Sycophants Highlight Skill Off Trump MJ's Guardian Who Says Comey Has Violated FBI Politics Democrats See Golden Opportunity to Take Seat of Georgia's Senate MORE among white women in 2016, a statistic cited by the president during the election campaign to combat the idea that he was suffering from a widening gap in support.

Recent polls indicate that the same white voters who propelled Trump to victory in 2016 could send him defeating in 2020 if current trends hold up.

A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday revealed that Trump was ahead of the top five Democratic candidates by 9 to 16 points in total, each in front of the president of 23 points or more among all women.

Former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenAdvocate calls for a fundamental change in the criminal justice system Democrats certify the list of candidates for the third presidential debate Yang hits CNN and coverage of the campaign by the media PLUS and Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersOcasio-Cortez blames the former Dem Senate for helping MP Lyft fight the Bill on Stage Workers (I-Vt.) Achieved the best results in hypothetical clashes in direct confrontation with the president, each posting an 18-point advantage over Trump among white women.

"Trump has major problems with suburban women," said Mark PennMark Penn2020 caucuses represent the biggest challenge so far for Iowa's biggest pollster, Mark Penn: Trump should push China to abandon Twitter, co-director of Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll.

"These voters are the real conservatives in the closet who voted for double-digit Trump and Romney. The Republicans lost them midway and they are the main obstacle to Trump's reelection. So far, he has done nothing to win them back, "he added, referring to the 2012 Republican candidate Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyL & # 39; ex-sycophantty highlights Skill gap around Trump Overlooked Nevada looks to give more weight to 2020 race 2020 race caucuses represent the biggest challenge ever faced by the biggest sounder from Iowa PLUS.

The Trump campaign is taking the issue seriously, launching a "Women for Trump" campaign, led by a dynamic group of alternative women, to build a grassroots army to produce voters for the president in November.

The three dozen key members of the group come from 18 different states. Presenting itself as "the real team," a play featuring the four women Democrats of Congress called "the team," the group includes a former governor, an actor, a pop singer, a former Marine, a " Angel Mom "and author and motivational speaker.

The Trump campaign revealed to The Hill that the first national group training day – which was held earlier this month on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the adoption of the 19th amendment giving the right to vote for women – resulted in the creation of 4,600 new female volunteers in 16 states to register new voters or knock on doors for Trump.

Tana Goertz, a member of "Women for Trump" in Iowa and former participant at "The Apprentice," organized a training event in Des Moines, Iowa, which drew about 90 women. She told The Hill that she thought the polls did not accurately reflect the women's enthusiasm for the president in the main battlefield states.

"I do not believe in polls, I believe in voters," said Goertz. "We shocked the world in 2016 and we will shock him again."

The group "Women for Trump" seeks to make it clear that Trump's policies have been beneficial to women.

They note that the female unemployment rate is at an all-time low and claim that out of the five million jobs created under Trump's presidency, 3.2 million have benefited women.

Trump supporters also mention his anti-abortion record; the doubling of the tax credit for childcare; Trump's support for various education options, such as charter schools; a proposal for paid family leave for newborns; the President's insistence on securing the border and cracking down on drug trafficking and human trafficking as evidence of his support for important policies for women.

"I think the president is always doing better than the media does," said Penny Nance, a member of the advisory board for Women for Trump.

"What I see across the country at these women's events, which bring the vote out, is a packed house and a lot of enthusiasm. So, this idea that women do not like Trump is just a false story. Thirty million women voted for him in the last election and I think the vast majority will do it again. Underestimate it at your own risk.

Nevertheless, there is evidence that Trump's myriad of controversies, from his access Hollywood access band disclosed to his arguments with the US football team, have resulted in casualties.

A dozen women have accused the president of various sexual offenses, which he strongly denied.

Tim Malloy, a pollster from Quinnipiac University, said his survey had asked women voters on 48 different occasions since Trump was elected how they felt about her. In all 48 investigations, women disapproved of Trump with a margin of almost two to one and the president was at the top with 36% approval among women.

"One indicator may be his abysmal number of empathy and his very bad reputation as a model," Malloy said.

But Nance said women tend to look beyond the president's weaknesses to find out how his policy has benefited them.

"He sometimes uses clumsy terms or people do not like his tweets, but women like his policies," Nance said. "The 30 million women who voted for him in 2016 did not choose a pastor or a husband, they were looking for a bodyguard and he did everything they asked him to do."

The president lost a total of women in 2016, getting 41% of the vote against 52% for Clinton.

However, Trump did quite well with white women to make up for the deficit, getting 52% support, according to exit polls.

Several recent surveys show that this support is slipping.

A NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll earlier this month revealed that Trump was ahead of a generic Democrat by 12 points overall. The Democrat leads Trump with 33 points among white women graduates. Margin diminishes less and less in white women without university education, but Trump is 49-43% behind.

A Hill / Harris X survey in June found that 62% of registered voters said it was unlikely or unlikely to support Trump's bid for re-election, while only 49% of men said the same thing.

At the same time, a Politico-Morning Consult survey revealed that a majority, 38%, felt that sexism had increased under Trump, compared with 29% who said that there had been no change and 20% who had improved.

"The president has never questioned women well and the numbers indicate that her reputation with women has declined," Malloy said.


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