Eli Lilly wants to crush the PD- (L) 1 mega-rockbuster with “disruptive” prices; reveals cancer biotech buyout – Endpoints News


For a first fund, Jeito Capital talks a lot about continuity.

Rafaèle Tordjman has been shining a light on this concept since she started setting up the company in 2018, promising to go further with biotech entrepreneurs while pushing them to reach patients faster.

Coincidentally, the lack of continuity was one of the hot spots listed in a report on the European health sector released the same year by the European Investment Bank – whose fund is one of the LPs, alongside the American pension fund Teacher Retirement System of Texas and Temasek of Singapore, to help Jeito close his first fund at $ 630 million (€ 534 million). As previously reported, Sanofi had disbursed 50 million euros, marking its first investment in a French life sciences fund.


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