Eliud Kipchoge is aiming for the super human marathon & # 39; to beat the two-hour barrier


"It's human nature to push the boundaries," said the INEOS 1:59 Challenge website. "The willingness to learn and do more is in our DNA." In the fall of this year, Eliud Kipchoge, with the support of INEOS, plans to redefine the limits of human success by crossing the last great barrier of modern athletics – the two-hour marathon. "

Last week, Ratcliffe and INEOS were accused by environmental defenders of "sportwashing" (the use of sport to improve their reputation), a charge that the Briton completely rejected.

Addressing reporters before the Yorkshire Tour, Ratcliffe addressed those who criticized the company's fracturing project, claiming that the majority of environmental groups he had met were unaware of this process, adding that it remained an inexpensive source of energy.

"In-Out Stimulators"

The current world record holder Kipchoge clocked a time of 2: 00.25 during a similar event at Monza – the venue of the Formula One Grand Prix of Italy – in 2017. not been recognized as a world record because it did not respect the established rules. the governing body of athletics, the IAAF, particularly in the way it was helped by "in-out" stimulators. The London attempt will not be ratified either.

The 34-year-old Kenyan set a new time record for the London Marathon earlier this month since he won a fourth triumph in this event – a record for a male athlete.

His time of two hours, two minutes and 37 seconds was the second fastest marathon ever, just behind his own two hour, one minute and 39 second world record recorded in Berlin in September 2018.

"This would really exceed everything because it will stay in the story as it pertains to the human family," Kipchoge told the press before launching the event, which took place 65 years ago today. after the announcement of the death of Britain's Roger Bannister the four-minute mile.

According to reports, Kipchoge's attempt in London will use a number of cardiac pacemakers that perform tricks while plunging into action, to maintain the breathtaking pace of two minutes, 50 seconds per kilometer required to spend less time. two o'clock.

"It's not about recognition or ratification, but to tell the story and convey the message that no human being is limited. Run the fastest marathon of all the times: 2: 00.25 was the proudest moment of my career, "added Kipchoge.

The British prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, is accompanied by the winner of the race, Kenya, Eliud Kipchoge (L), and the winner of the women's race, Kenya, Brigid Kosgei (R). ) at the 2019 London Marathon Medals Ceremony.
READ: Kipchoge Wins Fourth London Marathon Record
READ: The race for a marathon of less than two hours

& # 39; Worthy sports efforts & # 39;

Ratcliffe's movement into cycling has been sharply criticized by environmental groups who disapprove of fracturing practice by INEOS, a controversial gas extraction method, which led to protests during the cycling event of the Yorkshire Tour last week.

Ratcliffe was also expected to defend INEOS against its use of plastics after the acquisition of Team Sky, which was campaigning against single-use plastics and the Ocean Rescue campaign.

"We have spent 30 years working on the INEOS project and have made it very important and very profitable," Ratcliffe said.

"We make profits of $ 5- $ 7 billion a year, so there is no problem in investing a modest amount of that money in high-value sporting activities that benefit us.

"If they inspire people to adopt a healthier lifestyle, it's a good thing, but nothing wrong with investing money in a simply enjoyable activity." J & # 39; I like theater, I like opera, but I prefer sport. "

Ratcliffe, a passionate cyclist and runner, also sponsors children's charities, GO Run For Fun and The Daily Mile, to get more kids involved in the sport.

INEOS Chair Sir Jim Ratcliffe supports the event.

"If Eliud has a fantastic crowd that cheers, it will make a difference and we do not need to make a lot of difference to catch up to 26 seconds," he told reporters.

"I was in the race car in front of Eliud for the London Marathon and he looked very serene and comfortable, he always improves."

"Eliud is the best marathoner in the world and I think it will be a source of inspiration for kids to put on running shoes.

"It would be an extraordinary feat – it's almost superhuman, is not it really? Breaking two hours in a marathon is totally unthinkable."


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