Elizabeth Warren describes the continuation of her plan to destroy the economy


Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass, has a strange presidential campaign strategy: she wants voters to know that her priority is to break the American economy.

All right, she does not say it exactly like that.

But that would be the consequence of Warren's policy towards America's most successful corporations. Enter his announcement Tuesday of a plan to impose a 7% surtax on corporate profits of more than $ 100 million. Warren says that this will ensure that large companies such as Amazon pay a reasonable amount of tax.

It may sound good, but Warren's plan would make the US corporate tax rate one of the most expensive and therefore least attractive in the world. After all, the former professor of Harvard Law School also opposes the reduction of the corporate tax rate in the 2017 tax reform from 35% to 21%. In addition to its surtax, a Warren presidency would mean that big corporations pay a marginal tax rate of over 40%.

Is it a good idea?

Well, no, since almost all major economies are cutting corporate tax rates in order to attract foreign investment and facilitate capital formation, I would say that Warren's plan does not have the same effect. is not a very good idea to say it nicely. In addition, the evidence for reducing corporate tax rates is clear. The corporate tax cut of President Trump has done wonders for the economy, especially for minorities and the less skilled workers.

The problem here is not just that Warren should have crossed the Harvard campus and attended some business courses. It is that Warren actually adheres to the economic theory of self-destruction. It's not only that Warren totally ignores the facts about companies like Amazon, it's because she really wants to destroy them. Warren recently introduced a plan to dismantle major technology companies such as Amazon and Facebook. She says this would promote innovation and competition. But that would only weaken the most innovative elements of the economy and drive them abroad.

All this leads to an inevitable conclusion: in the end, no major foreign investor would look at Warren and think: "It makes me want to invest in America".

Unless they are crazy.

Whatever it is, he is happy for America and the world that it is unlikely that Warren will become president. She is not only a poor activist, she is particularly apt to challenge Trump in 2020. It is no wonder the President is so anxious for her to win the nomination.


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