Elizabeth Warren: Make campaigns ironic again


Senator Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., May be a former law professor at Harvard, but her campaign strategy is totally absurd. Consider Warren's tweet thread on Tuesday, in which Democracy 2020's presidential candidate explained his rejection of Fox News's invitation to attend an event at City Hall.

After deciding that Fox News was a modern equivalent of the Nazi propaganda newspaper Der Stürmer (note aside: Warren's comments represent an attack on the press to the extent of President Trump's worst excesses), the senator continued:

Help me with something.

If Warren "leads a campaign to reach all Americans", why is she so determined to insult Americans who watch Fox News? Whatever you think of this network, it retains the largest share of cable TV viewers across the country, by far. That's why, although he disagrees with much of the coverage and comments from Fox News, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Decided to join a recent city hall with the network. Sanders knows that he must maximize his ability to persuade Americans to vote for him.

Warren's explosion reflects a stuck campaign between the harsh realities of angry primary voters, far-left politics and a not-so-impressive candidate.


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