Elizabeth Warren Proposes Broad Public Land Protection Plan


Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts unveiled on Monday a proposal for public lands, highlighting land use and environmental issues as she continues to set the tone for politics in an overcrowded area of ​​Democratic presidential candidates.

Warren's plan, described in an article on Medium before trips to Colorado and Utah this week, promises a decree that would ban new leases for drilling fossil fuels at sea and on public land. Century Civilian Conservation Corps "composed of 10,000 young people and seeks to reduce by 50% inaccessible public areas.

It also aims to cancel some of the environmental actions undertaken by the Trump government, which equates to "selling our public lands to the oil, gas and coal industries for pennies", accelerating a "climate crisis" in the country . process. As part of this plan, Ms. Warren said that she would restore Obama's air and water protections and use the 1906 Antiquities Act to restore the national monuments that President Trump had narrowed.

"The public lands of the United States are one of our greatest treasures," she wrote in the middle note. "But today, these lands are under threat."

In her 1,600 word article on public lands, she set a target of generating 10% of the county's electricity from renewable sources at sea or on public land and argued for an investment in the preservation of the environment.

Specifically, she called for full funding of public land management agencies to eliminate their backlog of maintenance and infrastructure, as well as the requirement to spend the Land and Water Conservation Fund, established by Congress in the 1960s to protect natural areas.

Mrs. Warren said that she would increase the budget of AmeriCorps in order to pay for her civilian preservation body. And she added that it was "time past" to make the entrance to the national parks free.

"US public lands belong to us all," she wrote. "We should start acting like this."


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