Elizabeth Warren speaks out against nuclear


Elizabeth Warren said on Wednesday that she would oppose the construction of new nuclear power plants in America and would work toward phasing out the existing nuclear energy mix.

"In my administration, we will not build new nuclear power plants," Warren told CNN's city hall on climate change. "We will start to wean ourselves off nuclear energy and replace it with renewable energy," she added, adding that her goal would be to do it by 2035.

Warren had never taken a stand on nuclear in any of his various plans on climate change, including a new proposal that she had issued earlier Wednesday, requiring utilities to reach a power station. 100% carbon neutral by 2030 and reach a fully renewable electricity production by 2035.

While few Democrat candidates explicitly welcome nuclear energy, most agree that it supplies more than half of the nation's zero carbon electricity.

However, Warren and other opponents, such as Bernie Sanders, have expressed concern over the storage of nuclear waste and the high cost of building new power plants.

Sanders wants to impose a moratorium on renewing licenses for existing plants, as well as on stopping the construction of new power plants.

It is unclear whether Warren's opposition to nuclear energy includes smaller advanced reactors, under development, but not yet commercialized, for increased security and easier construction than today's huge power plants. 'hui.


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