Elon Musk calls on engineers and workers to move to Texas for SpaceX



Prototype SN9 spacecraft ahead of its fateful launch in Texas earlier this year.


SpaceX founder Elon Musk has a vision for the company’s presence in Texas, where it is growing rapidly (and explode quickly) Prototypes of spaceships. He sees the area he has unofficially named Starbase, increasing by several thousand people over the next two years.

Musk made an appeal on Tuesday for engineers, technicians and builders to move to Texas and join SpaceX. “Please consider moving to Starbase or the Brownsville / South Padre area of ​​Texas and encourage your friends to do so!” Musk tweeted.

Musk called for “essential support staff of all kinds.” A quick analysis of the vacancies at Brownsville shows that SpaceX is looking to hire a lot of engineers, but also cooks, safety technicians, welders, security guards, managers and crane operators.

SpaceX did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Musk also said in a tweet on Tuesday. that he plans to donate $ 20 million to Cameron County schools and $ 10 million to nearby Brownsville to help revitalize the city’s downtown core. He promised more details next week.

The Town of Brownsville Twitter account applauded the news, tweet in response, “At the border, by the sea and beyond! Thank you for your support in making Brownsville a launching pad to Mars.”

The series of tweets about hiring and giving arrived the same day SpaceX’s latest prototype spacecraft, SN11, exploded in test flight. SpaceX always tries to prevent its test vehicles from exploding during flight or shortly after landing. The disappearance of SN11 appeared to scatter debris over a large area.

There have been numerous indications that Musk and SpaceX intend to turn part of Texas into a collaborative center of space activity. In addition to development and test flights, the company appears to have ambitions for the creation of a seaside resort of the “21st century Spaceport” in Texas.

If all goes according to plan, SpaceX’s Starbase could truly earn its sci-fi-inspired name.

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