Elon Musk is on the verge of liquidating Warren Buffett's largest company


By NCC: A new report published by ARK Invest is extremely optimistic about Tesla and Uber's autonomous driving technology. But the autonomous revolution will have a huge cost for Warren Buffett's biggest business: insurance.

The company, which manages a $ 3 billion asset, said the auto insurance industry was facing "the biggest threat in its history," Elon Musk and other companies developing autonomous networks.

Elon Musk and Tesla could go bankrupt in the auto insurance sector

KRG anticipates that more than half of the kilometers traveled in the United States will be self-sustaining over the next decade. If this prediction is correct, it means a disaster for insurers. For two reasons:

  1. With fewer drivers on the road, there will be fewer people to insure.
  2. Autonomous cars will be cheaper to insure thanks to better safety features.

Ark's research points out that 94% of all car accidents are caused by human error. The volume of these incidents would decrease significantly in the future fueled by Elon Musk's fleet of autonomous robotic robots. Even in its infancy, Tesla autopilot technology is seven times less likely to cause an accident than a human.

"The cost to ensure autonomous vehicles will be significantly cheaper thanks to their superior safety profile."

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The number of autonomous miles on US roads will increase to 57% over the next decade. Source: ARK Invest

The insurance empire of Warren Buffett will take a hit

The KRG expects that autonomous networks will erase up to half of the auto insurance market by 2030. According to current forecasts, the market will reach $ 300 billion in 2030, but ARK believes it will be more close to $ 150 billion.

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Auto insurers are predicting a $ 300 billion market in 2030. When you include stand-alone data, the figure is approaching $ 150 billion. Source: ARK Invest

Warren Buffett is dangerously exposed to this imminent collapse of the insurance industry. A third of his empire is built on insurance with stakes in National Indemnity and GEICO, the second largest US auto insurer.

ARK believes that the biggest success will come from 18-24 years old. Not only are they the most likely to join the fleet of autonomous taxis, but they are currently paying the most important insurance premiums.

"Today, young drivers pay far more than average premiums because they represent a disproportionate number of accidents. As a result, as autonomous vehicles become more widespread, insurers will lose their highest-paying customers first. "

Warren Buffett forgets the threat

ARK then expects car manufacturers to issue their own insurance.

"Traditional insurers will try to offer products for autonomous vehicles, but as the risks extend from drivers to cars, OEMs will likely be able to provide the vehicles themselves."

It's a decision upheld by Elon Musk, who recently revealed his plans for a Tesla insurance plan. Buffett was not convinced, saying he would bet against any car company offering his own insurance.

"It's not an easy deal … The success of auto companies in the insurance industry is probably as likely as that of insurance companies in the auto sector."

Tesla stock at $ 4,000?

It should be noted that ARK Invest is heavily exposed to Tesla. TSLA's shares make up the largest stake in ARK's publicly traded Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) with a 10.35% exposure.

As reported by NCC, the company's chief investment officer, Catherine Wood, has placed an extremely optimistic price target of $ 4,000 on the title of Elon Musk, explaining:

"Our belief in Tesla is so strong that it never left our top position … We learned Tesla's artificial intelligence chip. We saw the specifications. Our analyst, James Wang, is from Nvidia. He said, "Oh, my God." This exceeds the competition. They are at least three or four years ahead of their competitors. "

TSLA shares are expected to open close to 2% during Monday's trading session.


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