Elon Musk Responds to Chinese Military Concerns: “If Tesla Uses His Cars To Spy, We Will Close” | Science and Technology News


Elon Musk said his business would be shut down if his cars were used for spy purposes.

Tesla’s chief executive responded to the announcement that the Chinese military had banned Tesla cars from its facilities.

Speaking to a Chinese forum in a virtual discussion, Mr. Musk said, “We are very strongly encouraged to be very confidential with any information.

“If Tesla used cars to spy in China, or elsewhere, we would be shut down.”

According to a Reuters report on Friday, the Chinese military cited security concerns with the cameras installed on Tesla vehicles.

The cameras are used to help drivers park and drive, while some models also have rearview mirror cameras for driver safety.

Mr Musk has previously spoken about the value of the data Tesla vehicles can capture, saying it can be used to develop autonomous driving functions.

Reports have said that Chinese authorities have discovered that cars can record visual images of their surroundings.

The military responded by telling Tesla owners to park their cars outside military property.

This came as diplomats from the United States and criticize yourself during a two-day meeting in Alaska, the first face-to-face talks between the two countries since Joe Biden took office in the United States in January.

China is the world’s largest automotive market and a particularly critical market for electric vehicles.

Tesla sold around 30% of its vehicles in China last year, but faces stiff competition from domestic competitors.


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