Elon Musk says that artificial intelligence will make jobs useless



AI will make jobs useless, says Elon Musk.

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Elon Musk is perhaps one of the biggest names in technology, but his views on how artificial intelligence will affect jobs are not so optimistic.

"The artificial intelligence will make the work useless," Tesla's CEO said Thursday at the world conference on artificial intelligence in shanghai. "Probably the last job that will remain will be written AI software, and finally, artificial intelligence will simply write its own software. "

Musk suggested people study areas such as engineering, physics, art or careers involving interactions between them.

"People basically like to interact with other people," he said. "So, if you are working on something that involves people, or engineering, it's probably a good approach."

There is a lot of debate about whether AI will take over our work or not. A report released earlier this year revealed that robots could replace humans in a quarter of US jobs by 2030. In addition, the report found that jobs with "predictable physical and cognitive tasks" are the most vulnerable, while those who are more creative or require better interpersonal social skills or safer higher education through an AI takeover.


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