Elon Musk wants the Tesla Roadster high – yes, really



Yeah, he said he wanted the Roadster to get high.

Win McNamee / Getty Images

On this week’s episode of “Did Elon Musk Really Say That?” we find him talking to podcaster (and isolation / psychedelic tank enthusiast) Joe Rogan about hovering the new Tesla Roadster.

“I want it high, and I was trying to figure out how to get this thing high without, you know, killing people,” Musk said in a recent episode of Joe Rogan Experience, released Thursday. “Maybe it can hover like a meter above the ground, or something like that.” If you fall, it’ll blow up the suspension, but you won’t die.

Keep in mind that this is in addition to his idea of ​​putting rocket thrusters on the Roadster – something he talked about it at length in 2018. Is it likely that either of these things will happen and be available on a production vehicle that is sold to customers? Our hypothesis is a difficult no. Is it safe to whip all of Elon’s enraged stans into a mousse? You bet it’s your ass.

During his visit to the Rogan podcast – his third – Musk also talked about the now infamous incident during the unveiling of the Cybertruck in which lead designer Franz Von Holzhausen smashed his supposedly unbreakable window. Musk then went on to explain why he didn’t think it would be something to worry about on production models.

“Production glass is much more robust than demo glass,” Musk said. “You need massive tools and ovens to make production glass, and that takes time. Production glass is always better than demo glass.”

You can listen to the rest of the interview on Spotify.

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