Emilia Clarke reveals that the latest episode of 'Game of Thrones' is even bigger


Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke revealed which of the last three episodes of the show deserved to be watched by a huge television because of its size.

The British actress, who plays the mother of dragons Daenerys Targaryen in the epic drama of HBO, told comedian Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday that episodes 4, 5 and 6 are "all crazy.

But one of them, in particular, "is going to be mental," she said.

"Episode 5 is bigger!" Said Clarke to Kimmel. "Episode 5, that's it," she added, with an appropriate gesture of the arm.

What?!? Even bigger than Sunday's epic Winterfell battle?

Clarke advised viewers to "find the biggest TV possible" to watch it.

She also spilled the beans on a very clumsy conversation with Beyonced during an Oscar night and revealed what she really thought about this strange work of Daenerys wax unveiled by the National Wax Museum Plus of Dublin.

Check out some of the interview above and the other segment below:


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