Emilia Clarke says that episode 5 is even bigger


Emilia Clarke strongly suggests to look at the penultimate episode of Game of thrones on the biggest screen you can possibly find. And when Daenerys speaks, you should listen.

Certainly, people may not need much conviction, with the anticipation of the show beyond fever. Who will die? Who will kill who? Who will finally sit on the iron throne? These burning questions, among others, burn millions of languages ​​every week and people almost drool.

What is all this excitement this time? In addition to the show, Clarke herself had a little crazy, disguised as Game of thrones Times Square character – and it was not like Dany.

What happens in episode 5 of 'Game of Thrones'?

Emilia Clarke
Emilia Clarke from Game of thrones | Axelle / Bauer-Griffin / FilmMagic

The trailer predicts a giant battle for the Battle of King's Landing. Yes, another big battle, because one is not enough for the last season. And maybe it will be well lit this time, and surely free of anachronistic coffee cups.

The trailer shows Jon Snow and the rest of the Daenerys forces arriving in the capital. Cersei Lannister was sealed herself and her forces inside while she was surrounded by tens of thousands of civilians.

The episode will feature a character who is new to the series but who also appeared in the books of George RR Martin: Captain Harry Strickland, played by Marc Rissmann.

Who is Harry Strickland in 'Game of Thrones'?

He is the commander of the Golden Company, the group of mercenaries that Cersei has recruited. He was trained by Westerosi forces who fled after the Blackfyre rebellion. The Stricklands went into exile, but their sons have always served in the Golden Company.

His story is different on the page. In Martin's fifth book, a young man who claims to be Aegon Targaryen engages the Golden Company to invade Westeros. And they proved themselves in the sense that they managed to conquer Griffington's Roost, the ancestral home of Connington.

On television, however, the Golden Company will defend the iron throne instead of trying to conquer it. And since Arya is the star of this season, do not be surprised if she plays a key role in all of this.

Emilia Clarke changes character from one day to the next

In the midst of all this fury, Clarke disguised himself during a recent visit to Times Square. She certainly can not go as Daenerys without people starting a riot. So she disguised herself as Jon Snow instead.

If her goal was not to attract attention, it would work, she explained in a recent appearance by Jimmy Kimmel. When asked what her reaction was, she replied, "People did not care." They did not care! Oh, yes, there is a monster disguised as Jon Snow. "

One can only wonder what Kit Harington would have said since Clarke and he felt embarrassed to have to become romantic in season 7. She told Variety: "The first scene we had together, we just started to laugh. Why are you looking at me in this strange way and are you saying these strange lines? You are my friend!"

And Harrington did not look at her just strangely. He pretended to throw up too, pushing Clarke to answer, "Oh my God, buddy. You do not make things easy. "

For the moment, however, such embarrassment has been overshadowed by the accumulation of the latest episodes. Clarke was so excited about episode 5 that in a recent appearance with Jimmy Kimmel, she could not express it in words. And even if she could, she could not say much.

"The episode 5 is bigger. Episode 5 is (pause, exhale). They are all crazy, (but) find the biggest TV possible, "she insisted.

So put away those smartphones and tablets. They will not cut it.


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