Emmys 2021: Seth Rogen Realizes COVID-19 Safety


In the event of a pandemic or earthquake, Hollywood will still have its awards ceremony. And actor Seth Rogen was the first to recognize that fact at the 73rd Annual Emmy Awards on Sunday, roasting the hall about – well – being in a room with so many attendees.

“Let me start by saying that there are far too many of us in this little room,” the first presenter of the evening mused aloud as he stepped onto the stage. The gala-style night hosted some 600 guests in a decorative tent on the LA Live event deck, just outside the ceremony’s usual indoor lair, the Microsoft Theater, due to the pandemic.

“What are we doing? They said it’s outside. It’s not. They lied to us,” continued Rogen, 39, with false disbelief of how the The organizers seemed to be flouting the regulations. “We’re currently in a tightly sealed tent. I wouldn’t have come to that. Why is there a roof? It’s more important to have three chandeliers than to make sure not to kill Eugene Levy tonight, it has been decided.

Levy, of course, is the beloved “Schitt’s Creek” star and co-creator who was present at the ceremony after her comedy had a record breaking year on last year’s so-called “Pandemmys”. He is also 74 years old, which puts him at a higher risk of serious illness if he is infected with COVID-19.

“It’s crazy,” Rogen joked. “I went from wiping the races to Paul Bettany to sneezing in the face.”

However, Rogen clarified, if someone had to sneeze on him, he didn’t mind being the star of “WandaVision”. And these, he said, were all the jokes he wrote for his part.

It’s unclear if the actor was serious about the roast, but we do know that residents of LA County are still required to hide indoors as the Delta Variant wave grips the country.

Neither Rogen nor the high profile attendees wore masks on the telecast – as seen in an earlier chant led by Cedric the Entertainer during the show’s opening sequence – and Twitter had a day on the pitch with the seemingly lax protocols (as well as Rogen’s decision to wear an orange blazer to the event).

“No #Emmys masks because the rules are for the little ones” wrote a Twitter user, echoing the sentiments of many others.

As the no-mask issue ignited Twitter, Rogen’s remarks also seemed to prompt the evening’s DJ, Reggie Watts, to step in. Before moving on to the commercial, Watts reminded attendees and viewers that “they absolutely follow all health and safety guidelines. “

Attendees were required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test before admission to the ceremony, according to the Emmys website. Actor Ken Jeong even worked out the rules in a bit which he fumbled around when it was his turn to present later that night.

Here’s a sample of what others had to say about the unmasked attendees at the Emmys.


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