Enderal developers create new commercial game


The final update arrived yesterday for the huge (and extremely impressive) free total conversion mod Skyrim Enderal. It’s a small patch but brings a little tease that the developers are now working on a new commercial project. They don’t give any clue as to what it might be, but considering the years they’ve been with Enderal and the Oblivion Nehrim mod, it’s hard not to assume / hope that this could be a fantastic RPG dealio. Crossed fingers?

Enderal tells a whole new story in a whole new world, using Skyrim as the technoscaffolding for a familiar but different game. Richard Cobbett noted in our Enderal review: “A lot of its DNA comes from games like Gothic and The Witcher, and most systems are tweaked in one way or another.” And that’s huge, even having your own expansion. Three and a half years after its initial release, it’s now done.

“This patch will be the last for Enderal, as we don’t have the spare time we used to keep patching it!” SureAI developers said in Sunday’s announcement (spotted by PCG). “It also means that we will not be creating a port for Skyrim Special Edition.”

This second part is a shame. Be nice to have the game on the slightly more sophisticated version of Bethesda, both for its little technical upgrades and for, you know, the people who don’t own the non-special version. But they have good reason to be busy.

“SureAI is currently working on a new business project which will hopefully be announced this year,” they teased. SureAI’s website lists a “SoonTM” on their games page.

That’s it. That’s all they say. No clue as to gender itself. But given that they’ve been creating their own fantasy RPG series for over a decade, and even have an Enderal book trilogy coming up, I guess it’s along the same lines. Unless they’re so tired of fantasy now that they escape fantasy, this would be a first-person shooter about American soldiers conducting high-caliber diplomacy in a fictional post-Soviet state. But probably not, right?

You can download Enderal for Skyrim from Steam. Nehrim is also available on Steam for Oblivion.

Speaking of Elder Scrolls mods spawning commercial games, this should be the year we finally see the sophisticated remake of The Forgotten City, Skyrim’s mod about a city stuck in a weird time loop. After a long delay, the launch is scheduled for this spring. Our Katharine spoke with one of the developers in 2019, which I always mean was last year, but it definitely wasn’t.

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