“Enough is enough” – Deadline


It was announced this morning that IATSE members voted by an overwhelming majority – 98% – to allow their leaders to call a nationwide strike against film and television productions. The reaction online was swift and almost unanimously in favor of the vote.

Alyssa Milano posted: “I support the members of iatse [sic] in their demands for more humane working conditions.

“The vote was passed with 98% support and 90% participation. Tells you everything, ”observed Jeffrey Wright.

Rosie O’Donnell congratulated the crew members on their dedication and offered her support: “First in – last to go – I support negotiations in good faith – I support #IATSE”

SAG-AFTRA Treasurer Joely Fisher posted Deadline’s story without comment. Frances Fisher wrote: “Congratulations!

The Animation Guild, which previously expressed its support for IATSE, posted the following: “Congratulations to our parents #IATSE for this powerful spectacle of # IAsolidarity! We stand in solidarity and support their efforts for a #fairdeal! “

Actor Anthony Rapp observed, “This vote is a powerful message that is enough.”

Oscar winner Octavia Spencer said: “I hope #AMPTP does the right thing and sits down. They aren’t asking for anything unreasonable.

US Representative Jimmy Gomez, who represents the downtown LA area in Congress, wrote: “As a former union organizer who stood on the picket line with @IATSE workers in past strikes , I am unequivocal and wholeheartedly with #IATSE.

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich put the vote in historical perspective. “This is the largest private sector strike in the United States in over 10 years, and the first in the industry’s 128-year history,” Reich wrote before calling it “a milestone for the industry. the trade union movement “.


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