EPA chief purges advisory boards that included Trump appointees


Michael Regan, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, fired dozens of independent science advisers on Wednesday, many of whom were installed under the Trump administration, in a bid to rebuild what he described as a “balanced expert group” to inform clean air. and water policy.

Scientists and experts have served on independent boards that play a vital role at the EPA, advising the agency on everything from air quality standards to pesticide use.

In a statement, Regan said the “reset” of the Science Advisory Board and the Air Quality Science Advisory Board “will allow the agency to benefit from the best possible scientific knowledge to support our work to protect human health and the environment. “

Mr Regan added that he intended to “reconstitute, restore and create new committees to better respond to the priorities of the EPA”.

But the move was criticized by the American Chemistry Council as “flawed,” and some former board members said the move was just as political as decisions made under the Trump administration.

John Graham, who was appointed under the Trump administration to head the Science Advisory Board, said the move showed “Washington DC’s progress in the idea that anyone can choose their own scientists,” and said described as “very sad”.

“Now, for the first time in the agency’s 50-year history, we have an administrator who is only interested in scientific advice from scientists he has personally appointed,” said Dr Graham, who did not does not intend to seek reinstatement on the board.

Advocates of the ouster noted that President Donald J. Trump’s trustees transformed advisory boards in a way the courts ultimately ruled illegal and barred many independent scientists from sitting, instead filling the advice of funded specialists. by industry.

Chris Zarba, who was previously director of the EPA’s Science Advisory Board, called Mr Regan’s purge necessary.

“This has never been done before,” Zarba said. But, he argued, advisory committees “have never been in this situation before, so I think it’s absolutely the right thing to do. I do not see any other alternative.

Mr. Trump’s first EPA administrator Scott Pruitt banned anyone who had received agency grants from serving on its boards, leading to the dismissal of several university researchers and barred from others to apply. A court then ruled that the policy was illegal, but the agency did not reinstate those scientists.

In recent weeks, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security have also eliminated advisory committees that had been filled by those appointed by Mr. Trump.


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