Epic Games should continue to provide context in all future release notes


It's almost impossible to agree on anything in Fortnite, but the Epic v9.01 release notes have proven that the context of the changes can help players to accept them.

Game development is a difficult and arduous art. Epic Games works hard to produce a product that, in his opinion, will satisfy all players. However, from the outside, things can be very different.

Epic Games frequently makes changes to Fortnite in the form of weapon modifications and jumps. In the past, their communication lacked nerves / buffs reasons, but the v9.01 release notes changed that.

Epic Games should keep the style v9.01

As an example of poor day-day communication, we will give you a short excerpt from the v9.0 release notes. This is directly from the Epic Game v9.0 Patch Notes post.

  • Adjusted tactical rifle damage
    • Base damage has been increased from 66/70/74 to 71/75/79.
  • Reduced availability of drum guns from 16.732% to 7.155%
  • Reduced availability of the rollbar from 1.292% to 0.755%
  • Grenades Unvaulted
  • Arched Clingers
  • Vaulted buried treasure
  • Arched Shotgun
  • Vaulted poisoned stinger trap
  • Revolver with vaulted vault
  • Assault rifle deleted deleted
  • Vaulted thermal assault rifle
  • Arched balloons

Note that notes lack any kind of explanation for changes. We simply feel like they were skipped / modified because 'Epic wanted it. & # 39;

Although you can not get every player to agree with every change, it's hard for people to accept change if they do not know the reasons behind it. Epic Games released some explanations later, but the changes had already been distorted and presented negatively by Fortnite's "talking heads". "

It seems that Epic Games has finally understood this trend and changes course with its patch notes. The first case of this can be seen in notes v9.01.

  • Baller health reduced from 200 to 150
    • The main goal of the Baller is to provide a fun and exciting mobility. We think it still has a little too much defensive – this change should reduce its effectiveness there without affecting its strengths.
  • Drum Gun Settings
    • Basic damage reduced from 26/27 to 22/23
      • Since its effectiveness, the effectiveness of Drum Gun has been slightly higher than desired. This change should reduce its effectiveness in combat while retaining its flavor.
  • SMG compact vaulted
    • Due to the recent addition of the Drum Gun and the all new Tactical Assault Rifle, we wanted to reduce the availability of high rate of fire weapons.


  • Avalanche adjustments
    • Slipstreams no longer block the build.
      • Trying to build a Slipstream should be a simple and intuitive experience. We noticed that in some cases, players would evolve to Slipstream, but because of construction restrictions, it would take a leap of faith and not the jump. This should facilitate access to the Slipstream.
    • Players flying in a Slipstream will destroy items built by the player when they collide.
    • Slips are now disabled after Storm 5.
      • We have seen a number of cases where Slipstreams caused problems in end-of-game circles, mainly due to being unexpectedly dragged into the storm. Since the value of Slipstream mobility is limited in these scenarios, we thought it best to simply disable them.

Every major shift in balance and mechanics now includes the reasoning behind the change.

Naturally, some players will not agree with the explanations, which is good. The purpose of the new method is to allow Epic to discuss his own reasons for the changes.

The most important part of the new method is the fact that they are included in the release notes at the time of publication. There is no delay between the publication of the patch and the publication of explanations.

We really hope that this is not an ad hoc affair. We think Epic Games should continue to create explanations for each patch note from now on. This is just a little extra work for a considerable advantage.

Positive reaction from the community

FortniteBR and FortniteCompetitive subtitles are extremely different places with a completely different view of Fortnite.

It is difficult to reach an agreement between these two groups, but Epic's new approach to patch notes has united them. Both pages have several very well rated articles praising Epic Games.

Here's one from FortniteCompetitive, pointing out that simple explanations can help players better understand what may be in agreement with Epic.

Epic, we need this type of communication with each patch, changes that we may not agree with can be justified by simple explanations like r / FortniteCompetitive

In a message similar to a response on the FortniteBR subreddit, another user has released his agreement with the competitor fan Fortnite.

I completely agree with u / NotKezm! I think a lot of players' frustrations could be alleviated with this type of open communication coming up. Thank you for having explained Epic! of r / FortNiteBR

We think that when something brings together two opposing forces into an agreement, you should keep it. Epic Games should seriously consider turning these patch notes into a permanent addition for the future.

What do you think of the new style of patch notes? Tell us what you think of the change in the comments below!


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