Epic Store will have more exclusives than ever in 2021/2022


Epic Games is doubling down on its strategy of signing agreements with developers to offer their games on the Epic Games Store as full or fixed-term exclusives.

A spokesperson told PC Gamer that Epic has more exclusives going on in 2021/2022 than it has ever had in total. “We have more exclusives coming up in the next two years than we have released to date,” a spokesperson said.

PC Gamer estimates that there have been over 100 titles released to the Epic Games Store exclusively in one form or another since the platform’s launch in 2018.

The site reported that around 21 titles have been announced as exclusive for the Epic Games Store but have yet to be released, so it looks like there will be many, many more announcements coming in the future to fill. the void.

Some of the upcoming EGS exclusives that we know of include Oddworld Soulstorm, Saturnalia, and The Wolf Among Us 2, as well as upcoming games from Remedy, Playdead, and genDesign.

In 2020, Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney said that Epic’s search for exclusives, while controversial, had been very successful for Epic. The exclusives generated huge revenue for the fledgling game store and helped it get started. Sweeney has been open to discussing how Epic will continue to pay for exclusives to continue to eat up Steam’s market share and grow its own store.

Even without paying a developer to bring their game exclusively to the Epic Games Store, there is already an incentive for developers to do so due to the store’s user-friendly revenue sharing mode. Epic only takes 12% of game sales, giving 88% back to studios. This percentage is much more favorable than the traditional 70/30 revenue split that exists on Steam and other PC and console platforms, as well as iOS.

Another strategy Epic has employed to help get people to the Epic Games Store is to give games away for free – and this great deal continues into 2021.

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