Epic Temporarily Nerves Season 9 Slipstreams in Patch Update


Epic Games had some problems with streaming and loading Fortnite texture. They have reduced the problem to something to do with the new Fortnite Slipstreams.

Slipstreams are a new form of mobility introduced in Fortnite during season 9. They allow players to move on the map according to predetermined routes.

A streaming texture bug appeared in Fortnite for the v9.00 patch that Epic Games was trying to fix. As a result, Slipstream speeds are getting nerve-racking.

Slipstream speed nerfed

Epic Games has posted a tweet about texture loading issues on all platforms.

The fix corrects the speed of all Slipstream in Fortnite. The specifics of the nerve have not been disclosed to the public.

Since the fix will only last one hour and end at 1:00 pm Eastern Time, we will update this post with more information later. Epic Games can extend the time or make it permanent based on the test results.

Wait, what are the Slipstreams?

The slides are a new type of 9 season mobility option that uses pneumatic drafts to transport players.


There are predetermined loops on the map in which players can fly to enter the stream. Since the v9.00 update, there are only three loops on the Fortnite card. One of them is however big enough.

The circular structure seen above is the mechanism by which air circulates. These indicate the course of each Slipstream loop on the map. You can even see the loops on the game map if you look closely enough.

We covered the Slipstreams in depth with location data in a previous article.

Some Week 1 Challenges also include these new additions.


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