Epidemic of E. Coli linked to an exhibition on the birth of an animal at the state fair


This year, at least 11 visitors to the Minnesota State Fair suffered from E. coli infections, and investigators concluded that contact with animals in the famed Miracle of Birth Center was the primary culprit.

Six of the sick individuals between the ages of 2 and 43 years were hospitalized and one had hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious complication that affects the blood and kidneys.

Interviews with 10 patients revealed that eight had visited the Miracle of Birth Center, an attraction featuring young animals and often live births.

Kirk Smith, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, said Kirk Smith, an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health, says that everyone does not touch calves, goats, sheep or piglets in the center. "There have been all kinds of epidemics where people have touched a contaminated surface, like a fence rail or bleachers. These germs have the means to bypass a building. "

The risk of exposure is low now that the show is over, but health officials have issued an alert on Tuesday so that doctors can be on the lookout for new cases and they have reminded the public of the danger. The importance of hand washing and hygiene to prevent infections. Smith noted that sick people could also transmit the infection to other people even after their cure. Epidemics of E. coli often occur this way in daycares.

DNA testing is underway to verify that all 11 people had the same strain of E. coli O157, which, according to Smith, is "notorious" for causing serious diseases and complications. It is possible that the two sick people who did not go to the miracle center of birth had unrelated infections.

Minnesota reports about 130 cases each year of E. coli O157 infections, and some are typically associated with agricultural events such as county fairs. Smith said he would not remember any at the State Fair, which has many hand washing and disinfecting stations since the 2007 barn-related epidemic. The fair also had an outbreak of H1N1 flu, or swine flu, in 2009 that resulted in the evacuation of teens from the 4-H dormitory.

State officials follow up to ensure that animals exhibited at the Miracle of Birth Center are not part of public exhibits.

Anyway, Smith said that people should not bring food in animal shows, and should always wash their hands after leaving them.

Abdominal cramps and diarrhea are the most common symptoms of E. coli infections, which spread when people touch animals or surfaces contaminated with faeces. E. coli can spread in the air by contact with sawdust or other heavy particles, but presents the greatest risk when these particles are deposited on balustrades or surfaces with significant contact. Sometimes people have E. coli on their shoes and suffer from transmission after removing their shoes.

"It's a powerful reminder for people who go to pumpkin patches, apple orchards or other farms raising livestock, to be aware," Smith said. "Even healthy animals can carry E. coli O157. It does not necessarily make them sick. You have to wash your hands.

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