Eric Trump says his father is victim of ‘culture of cancellation’ but REFUSES to respond if Trump incited the crowd


Eric Trump has claimed his father fell victim to the ‘cancellation culture’ after banks, social media companies, the PGA and New York officials opposed him in the wake of the Wednesday uprising.

The president’s son told The Associated Press on Tuesday that Trump was being punished by liberal-fearing businesses and organizations, but defiantly insisted his father would step down from the presidency with a powerful brand backed by millions of voters who would would follow ‘to the ends of the earth.’

“ We live in the age of cancellation culture, but it’s not something that started this week, ” Eric, 37, said.

“It’s something they’ve been doing to us and to others for years.

Eric Trump on Wednesday told the crowd: 'Show a fight', urged them to 'walk on Capitol Hill'

Eric Trump on Wednesday told the crowd: ‘Show a fight’, urged them to ‘walk on Capitol Hill’

Donald Trump (seen Tuesday) is the victim of a 'culture of cancellation', his son Eric said

Donald Trump (seen Tuesday) is the victim of a ‘culture of cancellation’, his son Eric said

Eric, along with his brother, Donald Jr., has run the family business since their father took office four years ago.

“If you don’t agree with them, if they don’t like you, they try to cancel you.

Amid accusations Trump instigated the crowd on Wednesday, the PGA of America voted to withdraw its championship of the same name from Trump’s golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, next year.

A British golf organization has said the British Open will not be played on Trump property for the “ foreseeable future ”.

E-commerce company Shopify has stopped helping run the Trump Store online.

Social media companies have blocked it and New York City has announced that it is seeking to cancel contracts with Trump for ice rinks and a golf course in the Bronx.

“The president has instigated a rebellion against the government of the United States, a clearly unconstitutional act,” said Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“It’s unforgivable.

Deutsche Bank, one of Trump's biggest lenders, said it would no longer work with Trump

Deutsche Bank, one of Trump’s biggest lenders, said it would no longer work with Trump

The PGA said on Monday their championship would not be held in Bedminster, in May 2022

The PGA said on Monday their championship would not be held in Bedminster, in May 2022

New York seeks to end relations with president after riots

New York seeks to end relations with president after riots

Most disturbing of all is that several banks, including one of its biggest lenders, Deutsche Bank, have reportedly said they will no longer lend to Trump’s company, raising hopes that the president may have to dig in his own pockets to pay off his loans if he can’t refinance.

“ We have seen the President of the United States encouraging rioters and refraining from calling the National Guard to protect Congress in the line of duty, ” a bank that cut ties, Signature Bank of New York – once so close to Trump his daughter Ivanka on board.

Eric Trump looked unfazed but combative as he spoke by phone from his Trump Tower office, AP reported.

Trump's golf courses are believed to struggle as his name turns poisonous

Trump’s golf courses are believed to struggle as his name turns poisonous

He dismissed the successes as not being a great threat to a company that has minimal debt – $ 400 million against billions in assets – and can still mine its vast real estate for cash, let alone the allegiance of those who remain of the president.

“You have a man who would be followed to the ends of the earth by a hundred million Americans,” said Eric Trump.

“He created the greatest political movement in American history and his opportunities are endless.”

Despite this optimistic assessment, the limited data available for his privately held company suggests that the Trump Organization’s golf properties, as well as other parts of its businesses, may be struggling.

Its two Scottish golf courses have been losing money for years, it had to lay off more than 1,000 workers last year due to the coronavirus, prices for condos in Trump’s residential buildings have fallen sharply and the company has failed. failed to sell one of its most famous properties, the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC

A person who does business with members of Trump’s Golf Club in Bedminster said several members are considering freezing their membership after the Capitol riots and it would be difficult to get new members.

Eric Trump is pictured with his father and Don Jr in June 2016 on their Scottish golf course

Eric Trump is pictured with his father and Don Jr in June 2016 on their Scottish golf course

Eric, pictured with wife Lara and Rudy Giuliani, expressed tough election results

Eric, pictured with wife Lara and Rudy Giuliani, expressed difficult election results

“They don’t want to be ashamed publicly for being a member of their golf club,” the person said.

“Do you think a guy who works for a financial company or a pharmaceutical company wants to see his picture in the newspaper?

With his father, Eric Trump spoke to the crowd on January 6 before many of them rushed to Capitol Hill, push through barriers, attack police, vandalize the building and kill five people.

“Have a backbone. Show a little fighting. Learn from Donald Trump, ”Eric Trump said before urging them to“ walk on Capitol Hill ”.

President Trump said on Tuesday during a visit to the border wall in Texas that he was not responsible for instigating the insurgency and warned that efforts to impeach him because of his comments only threatened to further divide the country, “ which is very dangerous ”.

When asked directly in his interview if he felt his dad was inciting a crowd, Eric Trump paused and then the line stopped.

At least 170 cases have been opened against Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol

At least 170 cases have been opened against Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol

Police try to restrain protesters who enter a Capitol door on Wednesday

Police try to restrain protesters who enter a Capitol door on Wednesday

Protester struggles with riot police officer outside Capitol building after 6 p.m. curfew goes into effect

Protester struggles with riot police officer outside Capitol building after 6 p.m. curfew goes into effect


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