ESPN abandons MNF Down and Distance Graphic mid-game after its fans have completely slammed it


Football fans were ready to be treated with an absolute banger of a Monday night football match between the Houston Texans and the New Orleans Saints. Instead, the first half's speech, and rightly so, was the graphic of the foolish ESPN score that depicted a bright yellow coloring to signal the low and the distance.

What resulted was quite predictable as a profusion of fans went to Twitter to express their palpable frustrations, such coloring being generally used to indicate a penalty flag on a particular piece. However, to our surprise, ESPN responded to the prayers of supporters coming out of the half-time break.

For the second semester, Monday Night Football opted for a more natural white lettering against a black background – a visual that is not particularly shocking or confusing.

And one that fans will not confuse for a flag literally after every slam.

Take a look, guys. We promise that it will not tire your eyes.

Much, much better.

We do not know exactly who claimed that the yellow tint would appeal to millions of viewers, but we do not have to worry about it anymore. Now we can (finally) focus our eyes only on what will surely be a captivating second half of football.


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