ESPN’s Sage Steele apologizes for controversial comments on Obama’s racial identity and vaccine warrants


Steele was taken off the air following comments made during a September 29 podcast episode of “Uncut With Jay Cutler.”

In a statement to CNN, Steele said, “I know my recent comments have created controversy for the company, and I apologize for it. We are in the midst of an extremely difficult time that affects us all, and it It is more critical than ever that we communicate in a constructive and thoughtful manner. ”

While recording the podcast hosted by the former NFL quarterback, Steele made several comments that have left many sports media scratching their heads. While speaking about ESPN’s vaccine mandate, Steele said she respects an individual’s decision to be vaccinated against Covid-19 “but the mandate is sick, and that scares me.”

She also spoke to Cutler about her identity as a Métis woman, questioning Obama’s decision to identify as Black in the census.

“I’m like, ‘Well, congratulations to the president.’ That’s his thing. I think it’s fascinating considering that his black father was nowhere to be found, but his white mother and grandmother raised him, but hey, you do it. I will do it myself “, Steele said.

Steele also commented on sports journalists and sexual harassment, saying women must “be responsible” and that it “is not just for players, athletes and coaches to act a certain way. “.

“I’ve had talks with young women… not something I want to be associated with,” she told Cutler, who nodded. “So when you dress like that, I’m not saying you deserve the rude comments, but you also know what you’re doing when you put on that outfit.”

In an interview with CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Wednesday New Day, former ESPN host Cari Champion, who currently co-hosts “Cari & Jemele Won’t Stick to Sports,” said many young brunette girls around the world industry, including herself, had looked up at Steele. Hearing him make anti-black comments and put women down, she said, was disappointing.

“(Steele’s comments) involved so much that was hurtful,” said Champion, who said he has worked with Steele in the past. “And it also shows that there is a lack of awareness on his part.”

Regarding her comments on women journalists in particular, Champion said the mentality, especially in a male-dominated business like sports broadcasting, only pushes women “down.”

“(Steele) thinks she’s gained the upper hand morally, and frankly all she’s done is split up and put a divide between women in a business that already puts a divide between us. “said Champion. “It keeps us from getting along because we feel like we have to compete. And it’s so disappointing.”

ESPN has private discussions with Steele, a spokesperson for the network said in a statement.

“At ESPN, we take different points of view – dialogue and discussion make this a great place. That said, we expect those views to be expressed with respect, in a way that is consistent with our values. and in accordance with our internal policies, “they said. “We are having direct conversations with Sage and these conversations will be kept private.”

Steele’s comments come just over a month after the network removed another well-known host, Rachel Nichols, from its NBA coverage and canceled her show “The Jump,” after the New York Times reported in July of comments she made about another NBA. analyst, Maria Taylor in a private conversation in 2020.

According to the Times report, Nichols, who is white, said that Taylor, who is black, was chosen to lead coverage of the NBA Finals because of the company’s diversity efforts.

Nichols then apologized on the air.

A previous version of this story mistakenly described taking Steele out of the air as a suspension on the second benchmark. It has been corrected.


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