Estimated wait time for COVID-19 vaccine in Barnstable County


BARNSTABLE COUNTY, MA – With the UK approving a COVID-19 vaccine for use this week and Massachusetts preparing for a deployment as early as mid-December, the New York Times, the Surgo Foundation and Ariadne Labs have found a way to calculate how many people will need a vaccine in each state and county – and where residents of Barnstable County could fit into that row.

For example, an average 40-year-old Barnstable County resident with no special work or health-related circumstances would be behind 268.7 million people online across the United States, according to the study.

In Massachusetts, the screening is said to be behind 5.4 million more people at higher risk, in a state of about 6.7 million people. In Barnstable County, 179,800 people would be ahead of you in a county of over 212,000 people.

But these caveats make a difference.

The same person with higher risk health problems has a ticket of around 602,400 in Massachusetts and 18,300 in Barnstable County. A healthy first responder would be 555,200 on the state-level line and 17,000 in Barnstable County.

You can enter your specific information on the Times website.

Vaccine deployment

No matter where you find yourself, Massachusetts has been preparing to administer the COVID-19 vaccine for months.

“The focus will be on the people who worry us the most, isn’t it, either because of what they do for work, or because of their age or because of their physical condition”, Governor Charlie Baker said.

The governor said it will likely only be in the spring that the general population begins to have access to a vaccine, at which point others in development by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson may also be available.

“It would probably be Q2 before only Joe Q or Jane Q Citizen had access to a vaccine,” Baker said.

The state plans to submit its final vaccine distribution plan to the Centers for Disease Control on Friday. Baker does not intend to make vaccination mandatory, he said.


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