2004 Beastie Boys Concert Series Shows Young Donald Glover Celebrating


According to recently redesigned images of Beastie Boys' 2006 concert film Impressive; I F-Ckin's Shot This, a young Donald Glover struck well before he was Childish Gambino.

At a Beastie Boys concert in 2004 at Madison Square Garden in New York, 50 fans received a camcorder to record people who would gather in the crowd and who would then be compiled into the 2006 concert film Impressive; I F-Ckin's Shot This.

A Reddit user recently shared an excerpt from the movie that shows a young Glover in the crowd hitting and dancing along the Beastie Boys' "Three MC's and One DJ" band, who appears on the band in 1998. Good morning album.

Before going under a pseudonym in his own rap career, Glover was a NYU student and a big fan of Beastie Boys, looking directly at the camera while recalling the words: "You meet to hear my golden voice /" Because when it's time to rhyme, you know I'm getting noise. "

Watch the clip of Impressive; I F-Ckin's Shot This below.

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