35 arrests in connection with the violence of Bale Goba said the Oromo regional state


  Bale Goba Google Map
Bale Goba, Google Map

July 25,2018

Oromo Regional Area says that he arrested 35 people in connection with violence in Bale Goba , south of Ethiopia. According to the chief of communication of the region, Dr. Negeri Lencho, who spoke with Ethiopian Broadcasting Service on the phone. He also confirmed that more than 100 people have suffered minor and serious injuries.

Oromo Regional believes that people of diverse backgrounds, in terms of ethnicity and religion, have long lived in harmony in the region and that Bale Goba has a reputation for tolerance.

Dr. Negri Lencho added that there were invisible hands that orchestrated the violence and that there was an effort for the violence to appear religion and ethnicity.

Among those who are suspected of being involved in the orchestration of the violence that caused the loss of civilian lives are former government officials, both at the regional and federal levels, who were fired, apparently due to the ongoing political change in the country.

The members of the security forces in the city who could have avoided the attack on innocent civilians and those who are involved in the orchestration of the attack are also arrested, based on the remark from Dr. Negeri Lencho.

The government had to deploy the defense force and the federal police to place an armed attack on civilians under control. Although the relative calm is restored, residents of the city say the situation is daunting. Businesses do not open as before.

What triggered the three-day violence is linked to a monument to be erected in the city of Goba. On the one hand, there are those who want a statue for Haji Adam Saddo where the Red Fox, one of the endemic wild animals of Ethiopia in the region, is standing. On the other hand, there are those who claim that the place is used for religious events like Timkat.

The regional government, however, believes that the violence has nothing to do with the controversy over the monument. It has something to do with it, says the regional government, the forces working to reverse the popular change in the country. And that seems to be the case because there are reports of violence in other parts of the region.

Yesterday, a pregnant woman was shot dead in Dembi Dollo, Wollega area, in western Ethiopia and at least three others were reportedly injured. Eyewitness accounts seem to suggest that the shooting at Dembi Dollo has come under the surveillance of the forces of order.

Analysts tend to see two forces working to create violence in order to reverse the ongoing change. There are those who have lost power because of the current change and they thought they had a network across the country with a capacity to finance disruptive actions. There are also radical ethno-nationalists whose main political objective is to secede Oromo from the rest of Ethiopia.

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