July 7 is celebrated as the day of chocolate. If we believe the legends, the World Chocolate Day celebrates the introduction of chocolate in Europe in 1550. Until then, chocolate was known only to the natives of Mexico and to parts of Central and South America. When discovered by foreign invaders, chocolates traveled to other parts of the world and became a pillar wherever he went. Whether in our desserts, shakes or smoothies, chocolates are a show-stealer and an instant mood-lifter. Think of chocolates and you think of all indulgent and magnifying things, but what if we tell you that chocolate is one of the healthiest foods known to mankind. It could help protect the damage caused by free radicals and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Do not believe us? This international chocolate day, we bring you 7 health benefits of chocolates that will make you love chocolates even more.
Heart Heath
Chocolates, especially dark chocolate without unhealthy additives and sugar could prove wonders for your overall heart health. Dark chocolate is made from raw cocoa beans that are a rich source of flavanols, a subcategory of a larger group of phytochemicals known as flavonoids, which are essentially antioxidants. According to DK Publishing House's "Healing Foods" book, if consumed in moderation, it can protect the heart by "thinning blood in the same way as a low-dose aspirin, while flavonoids protect the walls." arteries and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. "
2. Good for Immunity
A treasure of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, chocolates could turn out to be a god wager for stronger immunity too." antibody response and T-helper cells (a type of blood cells that help trigger the immune response)
World Chocolate Day 2018: Chocolates could turn out to be a good bet for a stronger immunity
3. Soothes cough
"One of the cocoa stimulants, theobromine, has been shown to be more effective than codeine (a traditional antitussive) to soothe a sore throat.
4. Improves brain function
It can help you focus, sharpen your memory and protect your brain from aging. In 2012, researchers at the University of Nottingham discovered that eating dark chocolate increases blood flow to certain key areas of the brain for at least a few hours, which directly leads to increased performance in tasks and general vigilance. Another 2013 study published in the journal Neurology found that eating dark chocolate every day (in moderate amounts of course) can increase your memory by as much as 30% and increase your problem-solving skills.
Chocolate Day 2018: It can help you focus, sharpen your memory and protect your brain against aging.
5. Help keep his weight in check
Yes, you heard us. A study conducted in 2012 by the University of California examined the diet of 1,000 Americans found that those who ate dark chocolate a few times a week were on average thinner than those who ate occasionally. The researchers went on to say that although dark chocolate is loaded with calories, it contains ingredients that can promote weight loss. Another study has indicated that if you eat dark chocolate as a dessert after your meals, it is likely to slow down weight gain.
6. Curbs Cravings
Chocolates could help you feel full for a long time, reducing cravings. They are packed with PUFAs (monounsaturated fatty acids) that are known to boost your metabolism and burn fat. When consumed in moderate amounts, dark chocolate slows down the digestive process and reduces cravings.
7. Soothes Digestion
According to studies, dark chocolates have substances that could heal an upset stomach and some gastrointestinal problems.
World Chocolate Day 2018: Healthy Chocolate Recipes That You Can Try At Home Today
Hazelnut Brownie
Ragi Dark Chocolate Cake
Low Fat Chocolate Brownies
Choco-Muesli Rocks
Happy World Chocolate Day 2018, Everyone!
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