Zika virus and pregnancy: The disease causes miscarriage – symptoms and where not to travel


Zika virus is not naturally found in the United Kingdom – outbreaks have been reported in the Pacific Islands, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and parts of southern and southern parts of the world. is from Asia. is a very mild infection, it can be more serious for pregnant women.

Evidence has shown that it causes birth defects such as abnormally small heads

but new research suggests that Zika infection can cause miscarriages. Affected women will not even know it.

A study of monkeys in the United States found that 26% of those infected with the Zika virus in early pregnancy had a miscarriage, even though the animals showed few or no signs. 19659006] Unlike mosquitoes that spread malaria, affected mosquitoes are most active during the day, especially in the middle of the morning, then in the late afternoon or dusk.

Most people with Zika have no symptoms. But if they occur, they will usually be mild and will only last two to seven days.

According to the NHS, symptoms may include itching all over the body, fever, headache, joint pain (with possible swelling, mainly in the small joints of the hands and feet), and muscle pain.

Conjunctivitis (red eyes), lower back pain and pain behind the eyes may also occur.

Previous research has suggested only five percent of pregnant women infected with the virus have lost their babies. But this study badyzed only women who had symptoms

In the latest study, published in Nature Medicine, 50 monkeys were infected with the Zika virus and 13 experienced an experimental miscarriage

. Dudley, a researcher in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, also the study's author, said the problem with Zika's studies in humans is that he's "in trouble." they rely on symptomatic infections

. in studies because they have Zika symptoms, but we know that up to half of people who have Zika do not show any symptoms. Thus, pregnancy studies are probably missing half of the people who have Zika. "

At the present time, more research is needed to develop ways to protect pregnant women and their fetuses from the virus.

Gov.uk lists countries" The Zika virus presents a specific risk.

Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru, and Puerto Rico are all considered high-risk areas

General practitioner, nurse practitioner, or clinic travel, ideally four to six weeks before you leave.

To reduce the risk of infection, you should avoid getting bitten. The use of an insect repellent containing DEET, wearing all that covers the arms and legs and sleeping under a mosquito net in areas where malaria is equally dangerous are all recommended preventive methods

United Kingdom

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