No, not all humans came down from a woman who lived in Africa 200,000 years ago



Human evolution is not as linear and simple as it was once thought Creative Commons

The thought that in the past there was a the only woman whose all humans have diversified – has remained a popular and widely accepted theory since the 1980s. Now, new research shows that this woman, often called "mitochondrial Eve" might not be the only ancestor of all humans.

Human evolution, in fact, is actually much more complicated than that, notes the researchers in A Liberation. It is believed that mitochondrial Eve, who would have lived in Africa between 150,000 and 200,000 people, is part of a unique ancestral population who also lived in an area of ​​Africa that gave birth to Homo Sapiens who make up the modern man. [19659005] Looking through the archaeological and environmental evidence, an expert team found an alternative to the more popular story of human evolution that shows a more complex evolutionary network which has arisen in different parts of Africa in their own isolated pockets. These groups must have had to meet to sometimes mix and reproduce. According to the researchers, the progressive brewing of people all over Africa has given birth to the unique genetic characteristics of modern humans.


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"Mitochondrial Eve" was a real person, she was not the only ancestor, and would not have come from the only population around, "said Gizmodo Eleanor Scerri, of the Oxford School of Archeology, senior author of the study." She just to be the woman that all living things inherit today from their mitochondrial genetic code. "

That said, mitochondrial Eve, like other humans of her time, exhibited a genetic lineage The story of his species, as illustrated by this new article, has not begun nor finished with it, said Scerri, nor with the immediate population to which she belonged.

This idea that all modern humans are from one and the same population. simple, linear manner with modern physical appearance that is common is now an attractive thought, she added, but it's no longer a good fit with the available information.

"On the contrary, it looks a lot like humans emerged in a The results of this study suggest that human ancestors were spread all over the African continent and were separated by various habitats as well as by environmental limits to the The interior of the continent.Each region was separated by natural features like deserts, forests and rivers, notes the report.This meant that there were periods of prolonged isolation between different groups This gave rise to a variety of human forms and various traits.

When these groups discovered themselves and began to reproduce, the best features, from a point of view evolutionists have been postponed while some have been lost.The researchers say that, because of this new discovery, expressions like "archaic humans" and "an Atomically modern "could be incorrect, now that there is much more evidence.

The newspaper was published for the first time in the newspaper. & Evolution.

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