How Ethiopia and Eritrea have made peace


The Cold War between Ethiopia and neighboring Eritrea seemed once insoluble. A difficult stalemate has persisted since 2000, when a UN-brokered peace deal ended two years of trench warfare that left nearly 80,000 dead and displaced more than half a year. -million people. The agreement was quickly ignored by Ethiopia, which refused to surrender the border town of Badme and other disputed territories. In the following years, both sides mbaded thousands of soldiers at the border, while arming each other's rebel groups. Sometimes, tensions overflow. Eritrea's alleged support for Islamist rebels in neighboring Somalia led to a UN arms embargo in 2009, motivated largely by Ethiopia's desire to push its northern rival, who had seceded in 1993, in diplomatic isolation. It was one of the most intractable conflicts in Africa. So why, on July 8, did the two parties make peace?

The appointment in April of a new Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, 41 years old (pictured above, right), was vital. In taking office, he called for peace, as did his two predecessors. But in early June, he went further, proposing to implement the UN peace agreement, including his controversial decision on the location of the border, without preconditions. The political and generational change in the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) announced by its ascent made possible a new reflection. Mr. Abiyi's Oromo faction in the ethnic coalition does not have the luggage of the Tiger Wing (the TPLF), which has dominated the Ethiopian government for a quarter century and has close ties (and bitter ) with the ruling party in Eritrea. like the People's Liberation Front of Eritrea (EPLF). Both groups spent much of the 1970s and 1980s fighting each other against the Marxist dictatorship of the time, but the relations were rarely friendly. "The war between Eritrea and Ethiopia from 1998-2000 was in fact a conflict between the EPLF and the TPLF about ideology and hegemony", explains Kjetil Tronvoll of Bjorknes University College. As Mr. Abiy has put away the TPLF, increased the chances of peace with Isaias Afwerki (pictured above, left), the first president of Eritrea and to this day, [19659003] Get our daily newsletter

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Smart diplomacy also helped. In April, Donald Yamamoto, the largest US diplomat in Africa, visited Asmara, the capital of Eritrea – the first envoy of this type in more than a decade – before traveling to Addis Ababa. , the Ethiopian capital. It was a sign of America's interest in reviving its own ties with Eritrea. Mr. Yamamoto allegedly organized meetings between senior officials in Washington and set up a diplomatic channel of return. Meanwhile, Mr. Abiy enlisted Eritrea's customers in the Gulf, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as brokers. His first foreign visit as Prime Minister was to Saudi Arabia, where he asked Muhammad bin Salman, the Crown Prince, to persuade Mr. Isaias to answer his prayers. Later, the counterpart of the Crown Prince in the United Arab Emirates, Muhammad bin Zayed, welcomed the Eritrean President, promising the promise of the country's money and investments in return for peace.

But the roots of the thaw are even deeper. Eritrea is richer and less isolated than it once was. The UAE has been renting the port of Assab since 2015 and has built a nearby base to participate in its military campaign across the Red Sea in Yemen. Eritrea has also benefited from a renewed commitment with the European Union, which is keen to stem the flow of migrants from the Horn of Africa. On the other side of the border, the EPRDF was paralyzed by nearly three years of anti-government protests. Political leaders in Addis Ababa worried that the status quo "no war, no peace" with their northern neighbors was unsustainable and that Eritrea was gaining influence in the region. . A particularly vehement skirmish between Ethiopian and Eritrean troops in June 2016 revealed the timidity of the Ethiopians. In the following April, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn announced that his government was working on a new, perhaps more muscular, Eritrean policy, although the details have never been revealed. Mr. Abiy was successful with a more amiable approach

Digging deeper
Ethiopia and Eritrea end two decades of conflict (July 10, 2018)

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