A bachelor asks for "warriors of justice"


In a world full of beauty and opportunity, but also of violence and injustice, the poet and scholar Elizabeth Alexander calls for just, just and good actions.

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by Kurt Hickman

The Baccalaureate, a multi-denominational celebration for graduates, featured poet Elizabeth Alexander, student reflection and spiritual music.

Alexander launched the call for action during his address at the baccalaureate ceremony for graduate students and their families and friends. Organized by the Bureau for Religious Life, the Bachelor's degree is a student-led commemoration, recognizing the spiritual rewards of education.

Wanting justice is not enough, said Alexander. "It's not enough to hope that people will do well, if we like it we have to stand up and fight for it, now it's going to look many different ways, but if all of us here we described as "warriors of justice?"

She asked graduates to consider how contributions to society might be judged.She suggested: "And if we consciously measured our actions large and small by the questions, is it generous? Is it fair? Is it right?

Living and driving with love

Alexander, a renowned storyteller twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, shared several personal stories, including including the journey of his late husband, Ficre Ghebreyesus, who fled the torn Eritrean war.He found his home in the United States after crossing Sudan on foot, then Italy and Germany up to 39 in New Haven, Connecticut.

arde to your words because it is with your words that you offer yourself your

-Elizabeth Alexander

His story reminded Alexander of how precious and precarious life is, and how to value it.

Referring to her husband as "my refugee," she said, "The presence of my refugee in my life reminds me of the limitations and dangers of nationalism everywhere, that lives and families can be torn apart and that, in the words of W. Auden, we must love one another or die. "

Alexander asked for compbadion." In the story of my refugee, we are impoverished if we remain strangers to each other. Dehumanizing others can cause people to virtually annihilate. "

Alexander's Counsel

Alexander closed his address with some advice to graduates.

Keeping regular and meaningful contact with the generations through, said Alexander." She urged graduates to always share what we have, to learn another language and to walk every day.He also said saying goodbye, look the person in the eyes and 'wait until they are out of your view before turning away from them. "

Alexander also emphasized caution with the tongue

" Take care of your words so it is with your words that you offer your souls, " she says.

The last tip of Alexander? "Leading with love."

Alexander is president of the Mellon Foundation a philanthropic organization for the 39, Higher Education and the Arts She has written on topics such as race, gender, politics and motherhood. She has published six books of poetry, two books of essays and a play. In 2009, she composed and delivered "Praise Song for the Day" for the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

Turning Obstacles Into Learning Opportunities

On stage after Alexander was Eni Chief Jonathan Asebiomo, selected from 46 competitive and compelling submissions to deliver the baccalaureate student's reflection .

  Eni Asebiomo gives the student reflection to the baccalaureate. 127th Baccalaureate, Grand quadrangle

Eni Asebiomo, a graduate in computer science, gave a thought to the celebration of the Baccalaureate. (Photo credit: LA Cicero)

While the beginning is a moment when many graduates look to their future, for Asebiomo, it is also an opportunity to reflect and show gratitude

. Think of all those who have taught you anything in the past four years – whether advanced courses or what you really feel – and thank them, "said Asebiomo

. stay in Stanford, Asebiomo. He has participated in the Frosh Council, the Undergraduate Senate, the Leland Stanford Junior Band and the Robotics Club. He was also a resident badistant on campus for two years.

During a student, Asebiomo said that there were times when he was struggling to recognize his strengths.

"I learned what it's really like to doubt my abilities and I feel like the only person in the clbad that does not understand what is happening, "said Asebiomo. "But because of that, I learned to look for help when I needed it – I learned that I'm never the only one to struggle and that I'm not sure. really have the skills and the ability to do what I want. " [19659006] Asebiomo said that through these experiences, he found ways to help others. He said: "I learned how to have difficult conversations often at the most unexpected time – both as an RA and as a friend – and I learned how important these conversations can be. "

Asebiomo, a native of Brooklyn, New York, will receive a bachelor's degree in computer science early Sunday.

In closing, Asebiomo said, "Thank you, Clbad of 2018, for being among the best teachers I can ask. You taught me how to live life, how to love life and what it means to be a Stanford cardinal. Remember – even though we may not be students too long, it's just the beginning of our education. "

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