Abi Ahmed's response about an alleged ethnic attack on the Tigray


November 19, 1818

Activists, as well as many TPLF politicians, have alleged that the measures taken by governments to suspect crimes such as organized robbery, corruption and human rights abuses have targeted Tigrayans in the name of combating terrorism. corruption.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed addressed the issue today at a meeting with leaders of opposition parties (including those in the Tigray region).

According to the Government, the purpose of the crackdown is to dissuade law enforcement agencies, including the police and intelligence services, from committing similar crimes in the future and to encourage them. to discharge their duties with responsibility, apart from respect for the rule of law and justice in the country.

Look what Abiy Ahmed had to say:

Video Credit: Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC)
Cover Photo: Screenshot of the video

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