AfDB invests $ 12 billion in Nigeria's energy sector


  AfDB invests $ 12 billion in Nigeria's energy sector

The African Development Bank has announced that it will invest $ 12 billion in the Nigerian energy sector and in many other countries. other countries of the continent. 19659004] The president of the bank, Akinwumi Adesina, said this at the first edition of the Africa Energy Market Place on Friday.

According to Adesina, "The bank has made a $ 12 billion investment commitment for its new energy agreement for Africa.

" Sub-Saharan Africa currently accounts for 14% of the world's population and accounts for 4% of global energy investment. "

" Bank badysts note that several countries, including Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana and The Kenya is on track to achieve universal access to electricity by 2030. "

Adesina said the event was to discuss challenges to mobilize and intensify private investment in the energy sector.




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