Ajax supporters and Greek police wounded after clashes with supporters of AEK Athens | Football News


Last updated: 28/11/18 12:00

Ajax supporters try to protect themselves from flames during clashes with Greek riot police

Ajax supporters try to protect themselves from flames during clashes with Greek riot police

Six Ajax supporters and three policemen were hospitalized as a result of violent clashes with AEK Athens supporters.

Several incidents occurred before and during the Champions League match between AEK and Ajax on Tuesday.

It is thought that most injuries are not serious, even if a police officer was hospitalized all night.

Ajax fans face Greek riot police before the match begins

Ajax fans face Greek riot police before the match begins

A statement by police said the police had been "injured by discarded bottles and other objects".

Greek riot police intervened early in the match following clashes between Ajax and AEK supporters.

The police were seen hitting supporters on the Dutch side, leaving some injured. AEK supporters were also seen throwing flares into the stands harboring Ajax supporters.

Bleeding Ajax supporters react after clashes with Greek riot police

Bleeding Ajax supporters react after clashes with Greek riot police

In the second period, firecrackers were triggered. Players on both sides rub their eyes as smoke escapes on the ground.

Earlier in the day, police clashed in Athens with Greek supporters. Supporters of rival Greek clubs were involved in violence in the city, while youths who threw gasoline bombs blocked traffic.

Ajax won the match 2-0 to qualify for the last game of the Champions League for the first time in 12 years.

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