An Ethiopian man claiming to be a prophet arrested after trying to resuscitate a corpse


An Ethiopian man who claims to be a prophet was arrested after trying to resuscitate a corpse.

Getayawkal Ayele was visiting the family of a man, Belay Biftu, who had died in a motorcycle accident earlier in the week in the city of Galilee, in the Oromia region, reported the Ethiopian information portal

 GettyImages- 100959115 Ethiopian Orthodox Christians carry a wooden cross carrying an icon of Jesus Christ as they cross Via Dolorosa in the Old City of Jerusalem during a Good Friday procession on April 2, 2010 Getty Images

He persuaded the family of Biftu that he could bring him back to life, and they agreed to unearth the body, which had been lying two days ago.

The self-proclaimed prophet told the family the story of Lazarus, who in the New Testament of the Bible was raised from the dead by Jesus, villagers told the BBC.

As the coffin was discovered, Getayawukal went down to the grave, shouting "Belay get up!" In the images of the incident turned viral on social networks, Getayawukal put the corpse on the corpse when the corpse did not move. .

When the resurrection failed, some family members fainted on the spot while others became enraged and attacked Getayawukal before the police came in and stopped him.Follow this story and more by subscribing now

According to Ethiopian law, the misuse of corpses is a crime, and the local police commander told the BBC that the man was working as a health worker, is in custody.

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