Apple revealed the 10 best photos taken with Iphone


Apple started the month of january the "Shot on iPhone" photo contest consisting of the users of the company sending their best photos taken with any model of iPhone.

The competition culminated successfully and during this day, the 10 best photographs that influenced their professionalism with the juries of the contest were announced.

The images will be recognized and dramatically rewarded in different cities, posters in the streets and posters in several Apple Store.

It should be noted that the 10 selected photographs do not compete, that is to say that they have not been ordered under any aspect.

Robert Glaser (Germany), iPhone 7
IG: @yungbrioche:

LieAdi Darmawan (USA), iPhone XS
IG: @adidarmawan

Bernard Antolin (US), iPhone XS Max
IG: @bernardantolin

Andrew Griswold (USA), iPhone XS
IG: @andrewgriswold

Elizabeth Scarrott (USA), iPhone 8 Plus
IG: @ liz.scarrott

Dina Alfasi (Israel), iPhone X
IG: @dinalf

Nikita Yarosh (Belarus), iPhone 7
IG: @ yarosh.nikita_

Darren Soh (Singapore), iPhone XS Max
IG: @darrensohphoto

Blake Marvin (US), iPhone XS Max
IG: @blakemarvin

Alex Jiang (US), iPhone XS Max
GI: @justphotons

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