Apply more sunscreen than you think, warn scientists


According to one study, the sunscreen that is spread on the skin can provide less than half the expected degree of protection.

Scientists have badyzed the damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the skin of volunteers at various levels.

They found that the sunscreen was losing much of its effectiveness if it was applied below the recommended thickness of two milligrams per square centimeter of skin (2mg / cm²).

This is the level of thickness on which the sun protection factor

But people are known to be much more conservative in their use of creams and lotions.

Previous studies suggest that sunscreen is usually spread as finely as 0.8 mg / cm².

The new study showed that at this level of use, a sunscreen with a high SPF of 50 would provide at best 40% of the expected protection.

'Important Protection'

Professor Antony Young, Principal Investigator, King's College London, said: "It is not disputed that sunscreen provides significant protection against the carcinogenic impact of the ultraviolet rays of the sun.

"However, what this research shows is that the way sunscreen is applied plays an important role in determining" Since most people do not use sunscreens as tested by manufacturers, it is best that people use a much higher SPF than they think they need. "

Part of the research involved volunteers were subjected to an explosion of UV rays simulating sunlight.

The targeted areas of their skin were treated with a SPF sunscreen of varying thickness ranging from 0.75 mg / cm² to 2 mg / cm²

. exposures over five consecutive days, to mimic a sun vacation experience.

The amount of UV radiation has been varied to replicate conditions in different holiday destinations, such as Tenerife, Florida and Brazil.

Biopsy tissue samples showed that repeated UV exposure caused "considerable" damage to DNA in unprotected skin areas, even when the radiation dose was very low.

The damage was gradually reduced as the sunscreen increased. High UV dose days with 2mg / cm² of sunscreen produced significantly less damage than just a day of low dose exposure when the skin was not protected.

The results are reported in the journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica

Nina Goad, of the British Association of Dermatologists, said: "This research demonstrates why it is so important to choose an SPF of 30 or higher . " 19659002 "In theory, an SPF of 15 should be enough, but we know that in real situations we"

"This also shows why we should not be content with sunscreen for sun protection, but we should also use clothes and shade. "

If we apply sunscreen, we are prone to missing patches of skin, as well as applying it too thinly." – PA [19659021] [ad_2]
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