Are Meghan Markle and Prince Harry really on the run?


The idea that Harry and Meghan are fleeing everyone living at Frogmore Cottage is really misleading, just because it's in a remote place. Again, who can blame them if they hide when the media has been an absolute beast for both?

We all know that Meghan's treatment alone has reached alarming levels, even if a young paparazzi does not seem to want to listen to the warnings of his grandfather George Clooney.

What is the truth about the living conditions of Harry and Meghan? Will Frogmore Cottage be a bastion completely hidden for them far from the paparazzi, or will it simply attract more chaos?

Build a life that they want, with adequate security

Anyone who follows the daily events of Harry and Meghan already know that they want to follow their own path as royals. Both are not really friends with the paparazzi and they know the potential situations that the media can create.

Plus, we know that Harry and Meghan want to reinvent the royal protocol into something more user-friendly to connect with people. Frogmore Cottage is basically representative of this type of life.

It is also clear that they think they enjoy more privacy in this cottage than they continued to live at Kensington Palace. What is still unknown is the effectiveness of safety at Frogmore.

Some reports indicate that security is comparable to that of Fort Knox, while others indicate that appropriate upgrades have already been made.

The dream life for a king: a family environment with hidden security

Frogmore Cottage, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, seems like a great place to go home. Take a look inside here.

– Vogue Magazine (@voguemagazine) April 15, 2019

A considerable remodeling took place recently at Frogmore to meet the lifestyle preferences of Harry and Meghan. The work still seems under way, especially to solve the problems related to the billing of security to the public.

The entire estate seems to be a great place to raise children without looking like a military fortress to keep things tidy. By all indications, this will not mean that security guards are everywhere and that you need to use state-of-the-art security technology to ensure security of the couple.

When you put it all together, it looks like the ultimate place to escape. Their ability to actually hide will be determined by what will happen in the coming months. The worry is still there, given the voracity of the media to capture an image of Baby Susbad.

If they fight successfully, Harry and Meghan will probably not become royal hermits.

Whatever the case may be, the royal couple will always be in touch with people

Although some media give the impression that Harry and Meghan are now reclusive, any wise observer will know that they like to be with people. Meghan's showbiz past means she obviously loves to interact with the audience and her close friends.

Harry is also known for his friendly spirit when it comes to interacting with commoners. In other words, they are not people who will hide in their royal cocoon for the rest of their lives.

At the time of writing this document, they are clearly hiding for the birth of the royal baby. Get ready for an avalanche of public events once Baby Susbad is born, albeit flanked by security guards.

In addition, as Harry recently joined Oprah for a documentary about mental illness, their time in the public eye is just beginning.

Having a home to relax is important to the royal family

Just like other famous people who have no choice but to connect with people from their careers, going home to an isolated place is a good way to decompress advertising.

There is no doubt that Harry and Meghan will count millions of people during their lifetime while they are involved in charities and other public events. Having a place where they can go out of chaos when they want it is the best way to live such a public life.

In this case, being a king is perhaps the ultimate dream now, having been a long-time myth.

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