"We are good friends," actress Harleen Sethi told Indian Express when she was questioned about her alleged relationship with actor Vicky Kaushal. After Vicky Kaushal would have dedicated Diljit Dosanjh's hit song Do you know Hand Held Kinna Pyar Karda to Harleen Sethi on Neha Dhupia's talk show No Neha filter, reports of their supposed relationship filled several columns of gossip. When asked what he would do about Tinder (a dating app) when he discovered Harleen's profile, Vicky Kaushal replied, "Well, great, great." at matlab jitna chadh jaaye"Harleen Sethi at the poster of the latest ALTBalaji web series Broken but beautifulin front of Vikrant Mbadey.
Vicky Kaushal also participated in an event related to Broken but beautiful in Mumbai. A photo of the event featured the alleged couple posted by Vikrant on Instagram last night and he wrote: "Thanks veere Vicky Kaushal for getting us up and giving us your always reliable hand. "
Harleen Sethi told Indian Express: "I believe that love can happen twice, three times and over and over. This can also happen at any age."
Short film Love, bites and TV series Gabru: Ke Shehzaade Hip Hop are some of the projects on Harleen Sethi's curriculum vitae.
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal, who recently starred in films like Raazi, Sanju and Manmarziyaan and Netflix Stories of lust, is currently waiting for the release of Uri. He also signed for Karan Johar COL. He is also known for movies like Masaan, Zubaan and Raman Raghav 2.0.
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