at least 10 killed and more than 100 injured because of the violence


The Oromo regional state tends to see plots linked to violence in Bale Goba. For the authorities of the region, violence is a work of forces that aspire to cause disability and chaos in the region and in the country.

  Ethiopian News - Negeri Lencho
Dr. Negeri Lencho, Regional Chief of Communications of the Oromo
Photo Credit: Ethiopian Journalist

July 23, 2018

As reported yesterday there was violence in Bale Goba, southern Ethiopia, resulting in the death of civilians. However, no details were available as the Oromo regional state was not available for a remark yesterday, according to the EBC report.

Today, Oromo Regional State Communications Chief, Dr. Negeri Lencho, revealed that 10 civilians are being killed and over 100 suffered minor and serious injuries as a result of the violence that would now be under control. However, residents still fear that violence will re-emerge.

Senior officials of the Oromo regional state headed to the city and discuss with residents of the city, said Dr. Negeri Lencho, quoted by Fana Broadcasting Corporation

] What caused the violence?

The pretext for violence is linked to the statue of the Red Fox in the city. Apparently, there was a request by which FBC report, which quoted Negeri Lencho, described as individuals in the city for the removal of the statue wearing the Red Fox and erect a new one.

However, the Oromo regional state seems to believe that the problem can not ignite the violence that the city has experienced in recent days.

Negeri Lencho thinks that there might be a plot to destabilize the area and that there are elements it was not explicit enough that they were part of the government, working on the escalation of violence to give them a regional character.

The Defense Force and the Regional Police are deployed in the city and are working to stabilize the Goba Bale.

The head of the communication added that the forces of the order identify the parties that provoked the violence.

Social media reports claimed that the violence was ethnic and targeted the Amhara ethnic group.

However, according to Negeri Lencho 's explanation, the violence was not ethnic. He says spreading misinformation is part of the strategy to bring about instability in the region and the country.

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