Attempted prison sentence in Debre Tabor


Debre Tabor
Debre Tabor Map
Source: Google

November 26, 2018

The regional media of Amhara, AMMA, reported today that there were tensions in Debre Tabor, in the south of Gonder Prison.

It arrived today around 5 pm. local time after the detainees got tired of luring the prison guards to try to escape from prison, added Amhara Mbad Media Agency.

We do not know if there is causality, because the source did not mention it.

However, it is known that convicts sentenced to long prison terms are involved in the incident, according to Major Menge Kebede, head of Debre Tabor Prison.

The attempt was foiled and the tension is under control after sending police reinforcements to the prison.

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